BBQ Sauce Contest

This is your chance to show off your sauce creativity. The contest is limited to 3 sauces per entry so make it good!

Bring one cup, 8 ounces, of sauce to turn in. You will need to transfer it to the container provided for judging.

1st Place $100

2nd Place $75

3rd Place $50

The contest is judged by the backyard bbq judges.

Prizes will be awarded on Saturday in Parker Park during the Awards Ceremony @ 4:00 pm


  1. The deadline to enter the BBQ Sauce contest is Friday, October 4, 2024.

  2. Open to the public, professional, and amateur bbq teams.

  3. Receive the required turn-in container at TBA on Friday, October 6th between 5:00 pm and 5:45 pm.

  4. Turn-in and judging is Friday night at 104 NW Broad St

  5. The field is limited to the first 30 entries (including entries from our bbq teams).

  6. The fee is $15 per sauce. Limited to 3 entries per person

  7. Sauces do not have to be prepared on-site.

  8. Sauces will be judged on appearance and taste.

  9. Your entry must be at least enough for 6 judges to sample.

Click here for Rules