How Lyons Main Street came to the citizens, for the citizens.
If you're interested in Lyons Main Street history, this is a nice overview of the first four years and how Lyons citizen's worked with the City of Lyons to create a non-profit and plan a future. You'll see some familiar faces as they are still involved and some faces that are missed around town. The creativity, dedication, and hard work from people in the community benefits everyone in the community. Take a look around. See what has changed and what you would like to see change. Contact Lyons Main Street and get involved, it's your town!
Originally posted by Lyons Main Street via Locable4.8 (5 Reviews)
Lyons Main Street
124 NW Broad St
Lyons, GA 30436
Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu 8:00am- 4:30pm
Fri 8:00am- 4:00pm