Tales from the Altamaha


Tales from the Altamaha is an award-winning folk-life play performed annually at the historic Blue Marquee Theater in downtown Lyons. The cast and crew are talented volunteers from all walks of life. A new collection of tales from the writings of Colonel T. Ross Sharpe is turned into a one-of-a-kind South Georgia must-see event. Get ready to sing along with the River Rat Review Band as they sing ol’ time gospels, classics, and some original tunes. Be prepared to laugh and cry as we relive tales of regional settlers’ lives, loves, losses, scandals, and just plain ol’ gossip.
We encourage everyone to participate in this community event. There is a place for everyone who wants to enjoy good, clean, family fun. No matter your passion, we will find a place for you. It takes many talents to create “Tales from the Altamaha,” including prop curators, costumes, marketing, acting, musicians, hospitality, and more.
We look forward to another great show season!

Interview an Octogenarian Writing Contest for grades K-12

Each year, Lyons Main Street presents a folk-life play, “Tales from the Altamaha,” at the historic Blue Marquee Theater in downtown Lyons. The stories for the play are from newspaper articles written by T. Ross Sharpe in the 1940s and 50s. The play features true stories about people and places from Toombs County’s history. We are asking students to help collect stories for the play by interviewing an octogenarian - a person 80 years of age or older (close to 80 is fine) who grew up in Toombs County. You can ask them what it was like to share a phone with their neighbors when they got their first television (or even indoor plumbing) and countless other facts about growing up in the South many years ago. We are very interested in stories about being a kid and life on the river. See if they remember some unique and interesting stories from back in the day!

After you interview your octogenarian, write or type their story down (400 - 500 words) and send it to Lyons Main Street by April 1st. The students who submit the top three stories will receive tickets to the first showing of “Tales of the Altamaha” on April 18th, where they will be asked onstage, their names will be announced, and they will be given a t-shirt. The winner will receive $100, and their story will be featured in the next year’s play!

How to Submit:

Email submissions along with the release form to [email protected]

or mail submissions to:

124 NW Broad St.

Lyons, GA 30436

Click here for Release Form

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